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Tracking App for Distribution Company

What End Product Give

Enhanced Operational Efficiency: QR code integration reduces manual errors and speeds up data collection.

Effective Monitoring: Easily track reps’ activities and optimize their routes and schedules.

Streamlined Management: Manage shops, users, and data with a few clicks, improving overall productivity.

User-Friendly Interface: Simple and clean design ensures that both admins and reps can navigate the app effortlessly.

App Overview

This app is specifically developed for distribution companies, offering a hybrid mobile experience that can be accessed as both a website and an Android application. Built using PHP, JavaScript, and CSS technologies, the app provides a role-based login system, allowing both admin and representative (rep) users to log in through the same portal but access different dashboards based on their roles.




The primary purpose of this application is to streamline the monitoring of your sales representatives. Each shop within your network is assigned a unique QR code, which can be displayed at the shop location. When a rep visits the shop and scans the QR code, the app tracks the rep’s location, scan date and time, and the duration spent at the location. This feature makes it easy to monitor your reps and ensure efficient operations. Admin Dashboard Overview Upon logging in as an admin, you are greeted with a taskbar for quick access to profile settings and logout options. The dashboard features three major functionalities: Add User: Manage (Create, Read, Update, Delete) user details for both admins and reps. Add Shop Details: Manage (Create, Read, Update, Delete) shop details, including owner and bank information. Create QR Code: Generate unique QR codes for each shop and easily share them via WhatsApp. Additional features include a Scan button for QR code scanning and buttons for managing reports and viewing users, shops, and QR codes. Rep Dashboard Overview When a rep logs in, they have access to the Scan and Report buttons. The Scan feature initiates tracking for the rep, capturing location data, and the Report button provides access to their activity reports.


Key Features


  • User-Friendly Interface:

Intuitive and clean interface with straightforward navigation, featuring essential functions like user management, shop management, and QR code generation.


  • Shop Management:

Easily add, view, and manage shop details, including address, contact numbers, and owner information. Quick deletion of shop records with a single click.


  • User Management:

Track and manage user details associated with the distribution network.


  • QR Code Integration:

Generate and scan QR codes for quick access to shop details, enhancing operational efficiency by reducing manual data entry errors.


  • Reporting Tools:

Generate summary reports showcasing the total number of users and shops. Access detailed views and reports to effectively monitor the distribution network. Paginated views for efficient browsing of extensive shop lists.


  • Additional Tools:

Search, select, and download specific QR codes as needed.


Standard Version Features

  • CRUD : User, Shop , QR
  • Scan
  • View Report and share

Premium Version Features

  • CRUD: User, Shop, QR
  • Scan
  • View Report and Share
  • Search: Shop, QR
  • Download Selected QR (available only on the website)
  • Customize Application Layout ,Alignment, Color

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